Stigma Among Clinicians (Including Associative Stigma)

Completed Projects:

Beth Vayshenker (PI): Associative stigma among mental health providers: An exploratory study

Lauren O’Connor (PI): Predictors of stigma among clinical psychology doctoral students

Associated Publications:

**O’Connor L. K., & Yanos, P. T. (2023). Training and Individual Correlates of Attitudes Toward Serious Mental Illness Among Clinical Psychology Doctoral Students. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. 17, 295–303.

**O’Connor, L. K., & Yanos, P. T. (2021). Where are all the psychologists? A review of factors impacting the underrepresentation of psychology in work with serious mental illness. Clinical Psychology Review, 86, 102026.

Yanos, P. T., **DeLuca, J. S., Salyers, M. P., Fischer, M., ***Song., J., & *Caro, J. (2020). Cross-sectional and prospective correlates of associative stigma among mental health service providers. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 43, 85-90.

**Vayshenker, B., **Deluca, J. S., ****Bustle, T., & Yanos, P. T. (2018). “As soon as people hear that word…”: Associative stigma among clinicians working with people with serious mental illness. Journal of Public Mental Health, 17, 20-28.

Yanos, P. T., **Vayshenker, B., **DeLuca, J. S., & **O’ Connor, L. K. (2017). Development and validation of a scale of mental health clinicians’ experiences of associative stigma. Psychiatric Services, 68, 1053-1060.



* MA Student co-author

**Ph.D. Student co-author

***Postdoctoral Fellow co-author

****Undergraduate co-author


About the Author