
Completed Projects:

Lauren Gonzales (PI): Microaggressions Experienced by Persons with Mental Illness: An Exploratory Study

Sarah Zoubaa (PI): Relationship Between Experienced and Perpetrated Microaggressions

Associated Publications:

*Zoubaa, S., *Dial, B., *Ryan-Jones, L., *Shah, V., & Yanos, P. T. (2022). On the relationship between experienced microaggressions and mental health stigma among members of marginalized groups. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 35, 867-879.

**Gonzales, L., **Davidoff, K., Nadal, K., & Yanos, P. T. (2015). Microaggressions Experienced by Persons with Mental Illness: An Exploratory Study. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 38, 234-241.

**Gonzales, L., **Davidoff, K., **DeLuca, J. S., & Yanos, P. T. (2015). The Mental Illness Microaggressions Scale – Perpetrator Version (MIMS-P): Reliability and Validity.  Psychiatry Research, 229, 120-125.



* MA Student co-author

**Ph.D. Student co-author

***Postdoctoral Fellow co-author

****Undergraduate co-author

About the Author